Story metadata

These features do not impact the story flow but contain additional information.


Information about the story, knots or even individual lines can be marked with tags. All tags begin with the # marker.

Tags are stored as pure strings and can thus be of any form you want. inkling assigns no meaning to them on its own, it’s for you as the user to decide how to treat them.

Global tags

Tags in the preamble are global story tags. Here you can typically mark up metadata for the script.

fn main() {
extern crate inkling;
use inkling::{read_story_from_string, Variable};
let content = r#"

# title: Inkling
# author: Petter Johansson

let story = read_story_from_string(content).unwrap();
let tags = story.get_story_tags();
assert_eq!(&tags[0], "title: Inkling");
assert_eq!(&tags[1], "author: Petter Johansson");

Knot tags

Tags encountered in a knot before any content is parsed as tags belonging to that knot.

fn main() {
extern crate inkling;
use inkling::read_story_from_string;
let content = r#"

=== stairwell ===
# sound: blowing_wind.ogg
# dark, quiet, dangerous
I made my way down the empty stairwell.

let story = read_story_from_string(content).unwrap();
let tags = story.get_knot_tags("stairwell").unwrap();
assert_eq!(&tags[0], "sound: blowing_wind.ogg");
assert_eq!(&tags[1], "dark, quiet, dangerous");

Line tags

Lines can be tagged by adding the tag after the line content. Multiple tags can be set, separated by additional ‘#’ markers.

fn main() {
extern crate inkling;
use inkling::read_story_from_string;
let content = r#"

A pale moonlight illuminated the garden. # sound: crickets.ogg
The well stank of stagnant water. # smell, fall # sound: water_drip.ogg

let mut story = read_story_from_string(content).unwrap();
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
story.resume(&mut buffer).unwrap();
let tags1 = &buffer[0].tags;
let tags2 = &buffer[1].tags;
assert_eq!(&tags1[0], "sound: crickets.ogg");
assert_eq!(&tags2[0], "smell, fall");
assert_eq!(&tags2[1], "sound: water_drip.ogg");

Tags can also be added to choice lines.

fn main() {
extern crate inkling;
use inkling::{read_story_from_string, Prompt};
let content = r#"

*   I made my way to the well. # sound: footsteps.ogg

let mut story = read_story_from_string(content).unwrap();
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
match story.resume(&mut buffer).unwrap() {
  Prompt::Choice(choices) => {
      assert_eq!(choices[0].tags[0], "sound: footsteps.ogg");
  _ => unreachable!()

To-do comments

To-do comments are lines which start with TODO:, including the colon. When the script is parsed, these comments are removed from the text and added to the log as reminders.

fn main() {
extern crate inkling;
use inkling::read_story_from_string;
let content = r#"
-> fireworks

=== fireworks ===
TODO: Make this more snappy.
Emtithal woke up to the sound of fireworks.

let mut story = read_story_from_string(content).unwrap();
assert_eq!(story.log.todo_comments.len(), 1);
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
story.resume(&mut buffer).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&buffer[0].text, "Emtithal woke up to the sound of fireworks.\n");