In regards to compatibility

The authors have made a best effort attempt to replicate the behavior of Ink in most respects. However, since this is a completely separate implementation, there are surely certain features which even if implemented (and many aren’t), result in different output from the same input .ink script. Edge cases may be a-plenty.

We do care about making Ink and inkling as similar as possible, to the extent that we can. If you find cases where the results differ, please let us know by opening an issue on the Github repository.

In the end, inkling cannot be considered a drop-in replacement for Inkle’s own implementation of the language. More realistically, it’s inspired by it, sharing most features but with results which may differ. Keep this in mind while writing a script.

I’d like to end this note by thanking Inkle for designing the language and being the inspiration for this project. And of course for their many fantastic games and stories, which is some of the best work out there.

— Petter Johansson, 2020